Saturday, September 8, 2012

Breaking boards at Karate Open house and Friday phone dump

Today the karate studio had an open house to display what they do and bring in new people.  Cooper, the newest and youngest student was brought out during the presentation to show his skills and for the first time ever, he was taught how to break a board.  It took him 3 times to hit it...but he got it :)

 The family that runs the studio is so sweet, I took a TON of photos to give to them since I saw no one taking pictures and I thought they needed some :)

As you can tell, I was impressed by the kickboxing women, the brick breaking and the new skills Cooper is learning.  

Here are some pictures from my cell phone I snapped this week.  Tomorrow after church we are going hiking so the camera battery is charging and I am excited to see some early signs of fall to photograph :)

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