Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crazy Boy!

Cooper is on the go! The good news is that when he is tired, he can pass out anywhere. We have just re-discovered the swing again and if he is tired enough, he just passes out.

He is standing and "cruising" on any surface he can...soon he'll be walking away on this own. One more tooth came down today so you can kinda see the top left below is starting to come down. Looks like he has little round teeth like his mother :)
Spitting his food is a regular thing now...the afermath of a blueberry pancake breakfast below!


Life is beautiful... Mostly said...

Look at those cute pearly whites. Those are familiar looking choppers. He is really moving!

Life is beautiful... Mostly said...

I forgot to say I loved the picture of him sleeping. I remember Chris one time dosing off as he was eating his dinner. I think he was around a year old. It was hysterical! He would take a bite, chew it,swallow all while his head was bobbing up and down. Then he finally just stopped eating and laid his head back against his highchair and fell asleep. Food all over his face! I wish I had photos of that one.

Myrtle's Mayhem said...

oh there is nothing like little round teeth to add to your cuteness meter! they really do look just like yours!!

;) mere