Friday, April 9, 2010

The joy of 2 year olds

I love this age with Cooper. Seriously. I don't find the "terrible" thing people talk about. Maybe it's coming...but I doubt it ever will. Cooper is so fun and is turning into such a great little happy to help, so eager to get right in there with the activity and see what's going on. I thought I'd spend a few minutes reflecting tonight on why I love him so at this age.

1) Finally our communication is a two way street! He talks to me and I talk back. His language skills are rapidly increasing and full sentences tell me "need doctor, ear hurts". (First ear infection this week folks...yup...we made it to 2 1/2 before an ear infection!)

2) He LOVES to help and thinks he is in charge. After I washed the cover and sat down to re-assemble the car seat, Cooper took out his tools, put on his work "goggles" and "worked" on the car seat with me as I put the cover on and got it all put back together. He was hammering, using the little electric screw driver etc. He knew he was helping and would say "look mommy, i fix". So cute I tell ya! While outside doing yard work he walks around like and inspects what we have done.

3) He repeats everthing and soaks it all in! He LOVES to read " Where the Wild Things Are" and repeats with me "Roar their terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth" That's his favorite part. After bath (like a 30 minute bath by the way because he never wants to get out) he asks for "Wild Things" and he loves to hear that Max is king of the wild things.

4) He is so excited to go on the Mickey ship, to watch CARS, to sing Pinnochio songs, to play with Woody and Buzz! He loves to tell Woody to eat breakfast and sits and plays make believe just about any where he is. Tonight just he and I went to the mall and he sat with his Chick Fil A and ate and play talked with his hands like the hussle/bustle of the food court didn't exist.

I forgot how fun it can be to be a kid and live in your own little glad Cooper is sharing his world with me :)
I truely do love this age so much and can't wait to see what the future holds.


Unknown said...

Cooper is one of a kind! I ♥ him! Girl and you know I love it when I'm leaving after a visit and he starts telling you and Rob bye-bye....LOL!

RobinsTreasures2 said...

very precious! "need doctor..." what a doll. =)