Friday, September 17, 2010

Monthy Family Dinner

Every month Rochelle, Todd, Jake and I get the kids together
and rotate dinner at one of our houses.

This was my month and we celebrated Cooper and Rochelle's birthday as well as did some fun pics of the kids, Rochelle's family and of course, adult conversation with Sangria!

Nathan got in on the action and took the picture below....this was the only one that all the heads weren't chopped off!

Life is good :)PS- I am soo behind on phone calls...if I owe you one I am so sorry, I promise to chat with everyone soon ...I've just been busy, and with the weekend's not going to get any better ;)

PSS- Yes for those of you wondering, Jake has been shaving the boys heads himself and gave Reese a mohaw. The day before picture day at school no less! Rochelle said it best when she said "Well, Hope...there is only so much we can do!" Ha!

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