We have had a nice Labor Day weekend at home. I managed to whip out those "space bags" and clean almost all the closets in the house, including Cooper's which was full of clothes he no longer fits in. My little baby is almost one and I have been hording all the clothes for a year in the back of his closet that no longer fit. His old clothes got boxed up incase there is a baby boy #2 in our future but I got over 8 bags of clothes to donate from my closet.
Of course Cooper helped clean the closets by pulling things out of the bags as I put them in :)
Grammie took us to the mall and as you can see from the blurry pic from my cell phone, Cooper got new shoes which he quickly began to eat....until Grammie got him icecream...then he forgot all about the shoes.
Also ...here's Cooper wearing an old headset I found while cleaning our closet. The first pic posted is him last night before bedtime with his new favorite toy...his cell phone. He'll hold it up to his ear and "talk" away! Wonder where he gets that from!?!
baby boy #2...something you want to tell us??
btw...dananana nanana....I know you know what I am sayin'....
no babies...i just couldn't part with his clothes so soon and decided to hold on to them.
I am ready...call me collect like the good old days :)
I love cleaning out the closets. I find all kinds of treasures I forgot about. I just did it recently and was amazed at the 6 bags of clothing I unloaded at Goodwill. Cooper is so big!
I'm sooo glad I hung on to all of Luke's clothes. It's so sweet and fun to see Jake in them again. After Jake outgrows certain items, I can't bear to part with them, so I pack them away. :) I'm gonna be that lady with baby clothes in my attic when I'm an old lady.
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