Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Settling in

 These few weeks have been full of change, fun and newness.  This past week, I think we are feeling settled in.  I have been working out with Chrissy (she thinks she is going to train me to climb this HUGE incline up the side of a next goal is for something simpler like a 5K so we shall see! ha).  Both Cooper and I have fallen in love with church at Woodman Valley Chapel (you can watch past services on line in you feel like following along at home!) Cooper loves the kids church where they do puppet shows, have snacks and do crafts (this week he made a Sampson puppet), I love the praise and worship and each week, I swear, they are talking RIGHT TO ME!  About trusting God's plan for your life, about being broken and rebuilding from the ashes (a lot about rebuilding around here since the fires) any rate...things are feeling more settled. We are still watching a lot of Olympics, we bought school supplies this week and Cooper has been stealing my camera more and more to take pictures of himself or his toys.  I love finding them on my camera phone.  His breathing treatments needed to increase since we have been here, the weather is so dry, I am doing more of them than I did back in Florida but we are on top of it.  Cooper is in HEAVEN with all the animals you can see from below..Tori is his constant companion, even when he does his breathing treatments she sits with him.

I gave Cooper the chore of feeding the rabbits. He likes to have jobs to do and this one seemed easy and harmless. He has been taking it very seriously and this week Bun Bun (the black and white bunny in the picture below) got a bot fly.  Firstly, I had no idea what it was but it's like tick and it grows into the skin and secondly, I had no idea how serious something was to a little rabbit.  We got the bot fly out the other day but after the vet surgically removed the infected tissue today and we brought him home, sadly Bun Bun died tonight.  Apparently rabbits can't handle much stress, and I am so proud of Cooper how he handled it. Erin and Brad cried and cried, deep sobs for their rabbit and Brad broke my heart when he sobbed "now I know what it's like to have someone you love go to heaven and you never see them anymore".  URGH!  Grief even for a rabbit is not something I like to discuss or handle anymore these days.  But Cooper I told separately, alone downstairs and I asked if he was sad that his new friend Bun Bun was in heaven, and he said "No, it's ok, I am sad for Erin and Brad because I know this will make them sad, can we go upstairs and give them a hug?"  Such a smart sweet kid my boy is! So we did and came downstairs and had Twizzlers and ice cream because you know that is how I roll :)
Tomorrow morning Cooper has his Kindergarten screening. Which is himself, me and 4 other kids and their parents who get to meet the teacher and they kind of meet and greet and get to know what level the kids are at and the kids get to intermingle a bit on a smaller scale before school officially starts.  The first day of school is next Thurs and the kids only go an hour and the parents go with them. Then next Friday, is the first "real" day from 8-11:20am.   Cooper is getting excited and so am I  :) I am eager for him (and me!) to make some new friends, everyone we have met around here so far have been so amazingly nice!

Please note, we are still wearing the "ring bearer" suite jacket and a clip on tie with just about anything because we like to dress like Yogi the bear, minus the hat.  

We are still bear obsessed
 but haven't seen any other live ones :)

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