A sadness has creeped into my perfect world....I go back to work on Tues. I really have nothing to complain about, I work in sales remotely for a digital print company. I make my own schedule (even though it's a 24 hour/7days a week business) and can sit in my pjs all day if I want to. I was lucky enough with the c-section to get the 8 weeks instead of 6 and I realized I have never in my life (since maybe high school) had this much time off. I started working right out of high school, through college but I secretly alway s felt like I wanted off the treadmill of worklife. I love to work, my jobs over the years have been great and I have gotten to travel the world. Taking a home based job 2 years ago was my step toward motherhood. Now, with 4 more business days off of work, I am left feeling like the summer is over! I haven't felt this way in a long time. I am sure once I get back in and realize how great it is to have one hand in the business world and the other in Cooper's world all under the same roof I will feel differently. I just have to work far away from the TV! Some of you have the idea of how hard it is to rip yourselves away from Oprah, the View and other daytime family :) Not to mention a trip to Target or the mall on a quiet weekday morning. Ah....the slowed down pace has become a nice routine and guess I will have to pick it up a notch. But for today, I have to go back to see if Anne Curry's flight got her to the South Pole on the Today Show...Matt Lauer is counting on me! Oh...and so is this little guy to make sure he gets fed now :)
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