Having a boy made me think I couldn't do it but I think it turned out ok and not too girly ( my husband's concern). Once Cooper is old enough to pull on it, it is coming down but for now, I like to just sit in the room to enjoy looking at the veil and my mobile from when I was a baby that my mom saved for me that we now use have on Cooper's crib.
One of the best things I have ever seen in a long time are these easy to stick on decals you can use to create sayings, add your child's name to the wall, etc. Pottery Barn and others have them but I got my here on ebay.
My husband tells people he free handed it on. If you don't know him MAYBE you'd believe him but neither he or I can draw a straight line so...you can tell this is very easy to do.
I bought other decals for another part of the house (iron looking designs and the word Family) at AC Moore...I haven't tried them out yet but will let you all know if they work out. I see they have chalkboard peel and stick decals so for those of you I know who may want to try out chalkboard paint this may work too.
oh I love how you are no linking other sites in your blog...you are so cutting edge!! love it!! Mere
Awesome room!
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