Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008... WE MADE IT!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....that is what 2007 was to me.
I guess I can now officially call it a new year since it's Jan 1 but I have to admit, I have been pretending my new year started Sept 19th when Cooper was born. As you all know, besides the best thing that ever happened to me (Cooper), 2007 was the worst year of my life. It's strange how such terrible things can happen and then the best thing...all in the first 9 months of a year. While I was able to enjoy a wonderful pregnancy, it got so distracted by the drama that became my life.
So, I put behind me: Tampa, Moffitt Cancer Center and all things related to leukemia, ICU, moving, buying and selling a home in today's market, dysfunctional family who continued to be consistently dysfunctional as I dealt with the illness and then death of a parent, the initial shock and early stages of grief of losing my dad, bereavement/mass cards and people coming out of the woodwork to give pity and sympathy.
From this year I gained:
- a wonderful son, God truly blessed us when he gave us Cooper, I would do it all again and more if I had to in order to have this precious little boy.
- a closer relationship with real friends and family who last year I learned will always answer the phone to listen, jump on a plane to see you when you need them the most and cry with you when that's all you can do.
- a stronger marriage....what didn't kill us made us stronger and I can't image my life journey without Rob and the many lessons we have learned together.
- a nephew :)
- about 20 plus pounds that I let myself put on due to the stress and pregnancy that now I can't believe it let myself do when now almost 3 years ago before my wedding I was running 5 miles a day! ACK!
So.....good riddance 2007, I made it to 2008!


Jenny said...

Wow. You did have a crazy year. I hope 2008 is (how often will we hear this one?) GREAT!

Life is beautiful... Mostly said...

We made it too! We visited West Texas for an entire week and made it through the Border Patrols and 3kids in an RV for 7 days! God truly loves me! I think with all good things comes a lttle bit of ugly! You've come a long way baby and will continue to do so. This I know for sure!


Hope said...

I finally had the unevenful year I had longed for and I'm hoping 2008 brings the same for you.

I know you miss your Dad, he was an amazing guy. Maybe you'll run into him again at Longhorn...that story still gives me tingles.

Love ya!